"Firearms stand
next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the people's liberty teeth keystone... the rifle and the pistol
are equally indispensable... more than 99% of them by their silence indicate that they are in safe and sane hands. The very
atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference. When firearms go, all goes, we need them every hour."
George Washington's First address to Congress
All classes require a deposit
so that we hold your spot for the class. Please have your deposit mailed in 3 weeks prior to class date.
If it is closer than 3 weeks please contact us, we may still be able to get you in a class.
NRA Range Safety Officer course Date
is Aug 19th 8am-6pm $125 Arena Training Facility 200 Sherman Rd Blakely Ga
Tactical Rifle 1 course
Oct 6-7 2017 Little River Gun Club Valdosta GA $350
NRA Handgun Instructor
Course TBD Woodbury Ga $275 This 2 day class will cover how to teach basic handgun skills. There is a written and a shooting test to complete the certification. Topics cover handgun parts and operation
of all action types. The fundementals of pistol shooting. Improving shooting techniques of shooters.
Basic instructor course is included. This must be completed by those that do not currently have a NRA instructor rating. This
course now requires Instructor candidates to complete the Phase 1 online portion before attending the course. This is 8 hours
of online training. It is available at https://onlinetraining.nra.org/ I have experience shooting handguns at a much more in depth level than the NRA Instructor course covers.
I am currently rated "Distinguished Expert" with a handgun.The additional information that I include in this course
is extremely valuable and takes years of training to obtian. Highly experienced shooters have stated the information in this
class was very valuable and improved their shooting and coaching skills before the weekend was over.
Low Light Shooting Course Dec 2 2017 2-10pm Woodbury GA $150
This course is taught outdoors in natural light. We will cover several techniques for
using a light while shooting including hand held and weapon mounted lights. Handguns and long guns will be covered. We'll
look at lasers and red dots as well as tracers. Night vision is available to demo during the class Targets will be paper
and steel for instant feedback. Many different types of lighting conditions will be encountered. Class is limited to 12 students
CQB - Room Clearing 101 March 18 $150 Woodbury
GA 9am -5pm This course is designed to give students a basic understanding of searching a building and
clearing a home or other building. We will work on corners, doors and stairs. THis will include live fire and force on force
training. Class size is limited.
Rifle Gunfighting 2 TBD Woddbury
Ga $350
Rifle confrontations worldwide rarely exceed 25 yards. Rather than a long range marksman's weapon,
our research shows the rifle will most likely be used just outside the reach of more conventional weapons, as well as within
these closer intervals of confrontation. Any caliber any platform is welcome. This course will take the student quickly through the
basics and impart the techniques necessary to deploy the Tactical Rifle, Civilian Carbine, or Submachine gun in a close interval
emergency. This course is highly recommended for civilian defenders, military personnel, or police operators (we make no distinction
in the material presented)
Vehicle Gunfighting Woodbury
Ga Date TBD $150 Most of us spend several
hours in or around motor vehicles, yet very little time training how to fight in and around them. In this class you will learn
how to do just that. We will cover everything from weapon access while seated, shooting from the car, as well as using the
car itself as a barrier to attack and for cover. Bring 200 rounds of ammo
Close Range Gunfighting, Woodbury
GA Date TBD $350 The class begins with a tune-up of the fundamentals, then we progress quickly
to new skills such as Proactive and Reactive Manipulations, Shooting While Moving Off The X, Reality-Based Multiple Hostiles
Engagement, 360 degree CQB Movement, Danger-Close Fighting, Bilateral Shooting, Natural Reaction Shooting Methods, 360 Degree
After Action Assessment Methods, and Integrating hand to hand skills into the Firing Platform. This is the life-saving material
that is often ignored in many other programs. In two days, you will receive more information than most armed professionals
ever get! This is the most popular Suarez International course. It introduces students who already know how to shoot
to the aspects of surviving a gunfight. We cover shooting from many different positions and most of the class ins based on
movement while shooting. If you are tired of standing still and shooting this is the class for you.
Advanced RIfle Gunfighting, TBD Woodbury Ga Cost is $350 The class is designed for all defensive carbines/ Bull pups, AR's, AK's SIG's Ruger's any
caliber including pistol calibers, 22 rifles or conversions are welcome.. This special course will take a close look at the Battle
carbine and teach you to fight with it in both the standard "urban rifle" engagement as well as in the Close
Range Gunfighting matrix. This material will have you appreciating the ambidextriuos use of the rifle. This class also
introduces the tactical and team movement skills.
NRA Rifle Instructor Course TBD Woodbury
Ga for the range Register at www.nrainstructors.org
Link to Register for SI courses
Trauma Medicine for CCW
This revolutionary class is directed toward the "Average
Joe" who may have never even taken a first aid class and certainly doesn't consider himself to be a medically trained
special operator. Instead, he is someone who realizes that, just as with his shooting skills, he needs to have skill
to help save someone's life, perhaps his own, in the aftermath of shooting or other traumatic events. We call that
man the "CCW Operator". He doesn't have a trained medic nearby. He must show the same self-reliance
that got him through the initial incident.
This will be a very thorough introduction to how to evaluate
and treat gunshot wounds, stab wounds and other traumatic injuries. We will do a great deal of technical work to ingrain
the correct skills and then work them extensively via practical training, including force on force exercises and live fire.
There has never before been training and information like this offered to the general public.
Intro to Handguns, NRA Basic PIstol Class Date TBD $125This is and introduction to handguns and no experience is required. We will cover
Firearms safety, parts and operation of handguns. The fundamentals of pistol shooting will be covered as well we will conduct
plenty of handling excersizes before shooting, to familarize the students with the pistol before shooting. We start
with a 22 pistol and work up to larger calibers. You may bring your handgun or rent one on site. You will get to shoot 10
different guns during the course. The range is outdoors and we have and classroom with A/C and restrooms. Register early as
we expect it to fill up.
TBD , Friday and Saturday 3pm-11pm This course goes as far as you
can safely go on a square range with live-fire pistols. The dynamic curriculum surpasses the traditional handgun methods commonly
taught in most institutions and focuses of the use of the pistol in aggressive close range applications likely in individual
civilian street encounters.
The class begins with a tune-up of the fundamentals, then we progress quickly to new
skills such as Proactive and Reactive Manipulations, Shooting While Moving Off The X, Reality-Based Multiple Hostiles Engagement,
360 degree CQB Movement, Danger-Close Fighting, Bilateral Shooting, 360 degree After Action Assessment Methods, and Integrating
the Flashlight and Other Tools into the Firing Platform. This is the life-saving material that is often ignored in many other
programs. In two days, you will receive more information than most armed professionals ever get!
We must point
out that THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR THE NOVICE SHOOTER. If you have not received basic instruction, or have a
question about your skill level, please call us first.
Guerilla Sniper 1 TBD looking for a Range
Following the
concept of the Guerrilla Sniper, this course will focus on the use of optically sighted rifles as sniper/marksman rifles.
We will examine various models of weapons as well as their suitability for the application. While we will focus to a degree
on the Semi auto rifle and the Guerrilla Sniper application, you can bring any type of rifle you wish to class. Bolt guns,
AR, M1A, and FAL are all welcome
In this 3-day course, students will bring their sniper skills to high levels.
We will begin with zeroing, range estimation, and hopefully getting first round hits to 600 yards. Much of the class will
also deal with field movement and field shooting against single and multiple adversaries (targets), and target engagement
from 50 to 600 yards. And that only covers the first two days. Then it's a day of "hands-on" practical work,
planning/execution at actual "start to finish" missions. This course is a "must" for any serious student
of the rifle! This course exceeds the training given to police snipers.
Centerfire Precision 1736 Upper Cove Road Woodbury GA 30293 706-553-2352
Centerfire Precision Link
New Combo Class CQB
and Small Unit Tactics TBD The CQB portion is about home defense and shooting inside structures.
The small unit tactics will work the CQB skills into the small unit dynamics. SUT will also deal with outdoor use of a small
team of 2 -8 team members. This course includes carbine and pistol work in both roles. We have to structures near the range
for training. and 3 different ranges to work on outdoors. There will be a force on force session during the CQB training.
GA Firing Line
2727 Canton
Hwy Marietta, GA 30066
Creekside Firing Range 1669 Old Alabama Rd Taylorsville,
Ga 770-634-2144
South River Gun Club 5205 Highway 212 N Covington,
GA 30016 770-786-3752
NRA Rifle Instructor TBD
$175 This course is designed to teach good rifle shooters the knowledge skills and attitude needed to conduct
the NRA Basic Rifle course. Instructor candidates should know the parts and operation of the 6 action types, firearms safety
and the rifle shooting positions. There are 2 written tests and a shooting qualification. This course meets the requiremants
to teach Boy Scouts and 4-H groups.
NRA Shotgun Instructor TBD $175 This course is designed to teach good shotgun shooters the knowledge skills and attitude needed to conduct the
NRA Basic Shotgun course. Instructor candidates should know the parts and operation of the standard action types, firearms
safety and the shotgun shooting fundamentals. There are 2 written tests and a shooting qualification. This course
meets the requiremants to teach Boyscouts and 4-H groups.
Fighting in Structures, CQB Date TBD $450
CQB - FIGHTING IN STRUCTURES is a course that focuses on the tactics a single shooter, or
a small team of two shooters, would use to operate inside of a building. Students attending this course will learn time-proven
and results-based strategies for negotiating through any possible architectural obstacle found in a building using simple
tactical logic, and to handle any high risk situation they might face from setting up a hasty ambush for home invaders, to
searching/clearing operations, to direct action attacks against active shooters or home invaders. Moreover, all of the material
is easy to learn and requires minimal sustainment as it draws upon existing skill sets learned in other Suarez International
training courses. As well, facility allowing, students will operate in varying light levels adding the tactical use of artificial
lighting to their skill sets. This course is not about leaving a mountain of spent brass on the range, it is about learning
to think tactically and solve problems like an operator. Open to all private citizens.
SIg Armors course is coming back to Centerfire Precision
Combat Rifle Marksmanship - Date TBD $200 In this class you will learn how to fire an accurate shot with your semi auto
military assault rifle. All types and calibers are welcome (AR-15, AK-47s, UZI, HK, even 22's ). You will learn all the
basics of riflery from zeriong, the essential elements of insuring an accurate shot, as well as using ground and cover to
enhance your effect downrange. This course is perfect for the new rifle owner, or as a tune up for an experienced rifleman.
250 rounds
Zero to 5Ft Gunfighting Dates March TBDThis revolutionary class focuses on integrating the pistol into the fight at zero to
five feet. This is what some trainers call "The Hole" and their entire perspective is to "Get Out Of The Hole".
We don't worry about "getting out of the hole" because the reality of it is that you won't. Instead, we
get comfortable in there...we set up a nice cozy camp there and learn to thrive where other men fear to walk. We make the
other guy want to get out of the hole he finds himself in as we start to rip his head right off his shoulders. This will be
a very thorough study on how to prevail and not get killed at this distance interval. We will do a great deal of technical
work to ingrain the correct skills and then work them extensively via force on force exercises. You have never seen training
and information like this before.
Send an E-mail
For more information call: (770)-377-1635
Are You Ready?